We offer quality commercial and residential lawn care, landscaping and snow removal services in and around Lansing Michigan. Our personal attention to detail is what our clients come to expect and recognize from lawn and snow services. We maintain your home and business properties lawn that will impress your friends and customers. No matter the size of the job, Stacy’s Lawn & Snow Inc. can accommodate your vision and maintain it through any season!
Stacy’s Lawn & Snow Inc. combines superior customer service with affordable pricing. Our team of lawn care professionals, and snow removal technicians will perfect your property with minimal disruption to daily operations. We are always polite, courteous and friendly to our clients and their family or customers. When you choose Stacy’s Lawn & Snow Inc., you’re selecting a premier lawn and snow removal company to tend to your property. From tree trimming to de-icing slippery sidewalks, Stacy’s Lawn & Snow does it all year round!